Thursday, March 19, 2020

Pandemic reactions

Looking back, I can remember a few instances when I wished some event would take place that would generate a sort of crisis. Maybe because I felt life was getting to dull and repetitive or I just felt the need of things to break out of the mundane. On some of the occasions I felt like saying to myself that life is good and that I'm grateful for the moments I've lived and even that I can die happy having lived through some impressive times.

Now is that moment when I remember thinking about some future events and wondering how it will be like when they come to be. Like when I was a child and wondered how it will feel like when school will be completed and I wouldn't have to go to attend to classes anymore or be 18 or married with children. While employed and going to work I sometime think back at those times and realize that school was just the precursor of a job. This type of reasoning based on some sort of intuitive instinct can be deceiving I guess, because it seems to be coincidental at times and I cannot say whether it's wishful thinking, premonition, intuition, foresight, insight or just plain luck.

As the virus crisis unfolds in Europe, different thoughts start to take shape stimulated by questions of all sorts regarding the 'next future'. What can be done in such situations (besides wishing it all went away somehow). What work should be best done in such situations to ensure steady income? How can the current pandemic be addressed to be beneficial? How can I help other people get through this? What do I need in order to be safe and have basic needs fulfilled? What systems or industries will fail and which will flourish? For which risks should one first prepare and in what order should the be addressed?

Some of the questions are rooted in fear/panic, others are cautionary or based on common sense while others can be pure speculative.

Besides basic needs like

  • water
    • city water supply
    • rain tank
    • well
  • food
    • grocery stores
    • grow
    • hunt
  • heat
    • clothing
    • gas
    • electricity
    • solar
  • power
    • solar
    • diesel generator
    • pully
    • bike
    • composting
  • health
    • medicine
    • surgery
    • exercise
Social interaction seems to gain some ground in the basic needs hierarchy
  • socializing
    • media
      • video
      • audio
      • photo
      • social media
Looking at the measures taken by EU states as the pandemic unfolds, like social distancing, higher levels of hygiene imposed, travel bans and remote work, we can start to envision a new world where interaction is furthermore being pushed towards physical isolation. I remember a saying by some philosopher that 'not being comfortable in solitude is a sign of reduced intelligence' or something like that.

People are already spending even more time online, to such extent that the EU parliament has requested streaming services like Netflix to reduce the HD content being streamed so that it doesn't overload the network.